Familiarity with Sinusitis Sinusitis, also known as inflammation, is associated with acute or chronic inflammation of the mucosal layer in one or more cavities around the nose. Cinnitis is a sinus disease. Sines are cavities filled with air around the skull and facial bones. When these cavities are taken or filled with pus, they are said to have sinusitis. This disease can have several factors that we can point out to the common cold and sensitivity and deviation of the nasal septum. This disease usually presents itself with symptoms such as mild pain and fever, nasal discharge and throat secretion, especially in the morning. It is often seen that allergic sinusitis is confused with infectious sinusitis. If sinusitis is caused by allergies, they are called allergic rhinitis and they are not called sinusitis in medical science. Of course, it's possible that the migraine may be mistaken for symptoms similar to sinusitis. Of course, this disease has different symptoms in...